Diallel crosses, heritability, plant breeding, parents, improved cultivarsAbstract
In Ecuador, introduced coffee cultivars were selected, but there is no history of new cultivars having been developed through conventional genetic improvement. The objective of this research was to obtain improved coffee genotypes for the southern area of ??Manabí, for this the coffee germplasm bank of the State University of Manabí, located at the Andil Farm, was used in the 2021 campaign, where they were obtained F1 hybrid families using nine parental accessions (Acawa, Arara, Yellow Burbon, Catimor CIFC, Yellow Catuai, Catucai 25L, Catucai 785-15, Red Caturra and Geisha), which were recombined in a Griffin diallelic design, obtaining 1477 genotypes. On the same Farm, in the nursery in the 2022 - 2023 campaigns, the materials were planted in a completely randomized experimental design. The general combinatorial aptitude (GCA) and the specific combinatorial aptitude (SCA) were determined for plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD), number of pairs of leaves (NPL), leaf area (LA), heterosis and heterobeltiosis of parents and progenies. The results showed that the Typica parent was salient and significant for PH. SD and LA. The 021-105 family was outstanding for PH, NPL and LA. The GCA for PH, SD, NPL and LA of the parents was good. There was heterosis for PH, SD and LA, in families 021-101 and 021-104; and, heterobeltiosis for PH in families 021-105, 021-106, 021-, 021-108 and 021-109; and, for LA in families 021-105 and 021-109. Genotypes with potential to be future cultivars were identified.
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