Equity and inequality within the educational model
Diversidad, Equidad, Cohesión social, Desigualdad, Brecha educativaAbstract
The issue of equity and inequality today is usually considered a concern in certain family, social and educational areas since it involves a series of problems in both children and adolescents. For this reason, it is very important to know that 17% of The children and adolescents of the world are out of school. The proportion is much higher in developing countries: it amounts to 31% in Africa, 21% in Central Asia, compared to 3% in Europe and North America. When addressing this topic, emphasis was placed on the combination of surveys and interviews, which provided me with a comprehensive vision of the topic of equity and inequality in the educational model, allowing me to understand various aspects of this complex topic; On the other hand, with this work it is expected that programs aimed at educational personnel can be carried out in order to improve the quality of life of each individual by granting them opportunities based on their teaching-learning. Such as
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