
  • Amarilys Mercantete Martínez
  • Emilio Víctor Cordiés Jackson
  • Yalaysis Rodríguez Gómez
  • Yisell Portales Calderin




Primary vesicoureteral reflux; endoscopic treatment; Vantris; Childhood.


Primary vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in childhood predisposes to urinary tract infections, and when it comes to recurrent febrile infections, permanent kidney damage may be associated. In a considerable number of cases, the natural evolution of the disease is towards spontaneous resolution. Currently there are several therapeutic options for vesicoureteral reflux, its selection must be individualized. The objective of this work is to expose general and current aspects about the endoscopic treatment of primary vesicoureteral reflux in childhood. A systematic review was carried out, indexed scientific articles were consulted. The information sources consulted were Scielo, Ebsco and Pubmed. The information was processed using computerized means. The study carried out shows that the results achieved at an international level since the introduction of endoscopic treatment of vesicoureteral reflux in childhood and the low morbidity associated with this procedure make it the treatment of choice in grade III and IV reflux. The resolution of reflux by this technique and the few complications observed are closely related to the minimally invasive nature of this procedure. Knowledge of other surgical techniques for the resolution of vesicoureteral reflux is of significant importance in pediatric patients.


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How to Cite

Mercantete Martínez , A. ., Cordiés Jackson , E. V. ., Rodríguez Gómez , Y. ., & Portales Calderin , Y. . (2022). UPDATE ON ENDOSCOPIC TREATMENT OF PRIMARY VESICOURETERAL REFLUX IN CHILDHOOD : TRATAMIENTO ENDOSCÓPICO DEL REFLUJO VESICOURETERAL PRIMARIO EN LA INFANCIA. UNESUM - Ciencias. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria, 6(1), 175–188. https://doi.org/10.47230/unesum-ciencias.v6.n1.2022.667


