Use of artificial intelligence in mobile devices




analysis, application, experience, users


The main objective of this research is to analyze the different uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mobile devices. AI is defined by several authors as the most advanced computer science that exists because it improves any field where it is applied; It offers improvements in multitasking activities, the reproduction of the highest quality colors and provides a much smoother user experience. In the execution of the document, the proposed objective was met, for which empirical methods were used as instruments and techniques in data collection, theoretical methods in synthesizing the antecedents of the analysis-synthesis and determining the limitations, insufficiencies, shortcomings and potentialities in the development of research through induction-deduction, in addition to the respective bibliographic review for the validation of the theoretical basis. The Statistical-mathematical method was used from the construction of graphs and the inference of results of the scientific investigation from which the following specifications were obtained; In the survey applied to 80 people, 96% of the population taken as a sample owns a smartphone, in the development of the research the lack of information in the definition of the terms was found to be a gap, as the results of the statistics are controversial . Therefore, AI in mobile devices improves processors allowing to open applications quickly, it also offers multitasking activities that allows creating a fascinating experience for users despite their lack of knowledge.


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Author Biographies

Maria Mercedes Bonilla Yoza, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Estudiante de Tercer Nivel, Ingeniería en Tecnologías de la Información de la Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Ecuador

Geomayra Stefany Cevallos Pin , Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Estudiante de Tercer Nivel, Ingeniería en Tecnologías de la Información de la Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Ecuador.

Samantha Michelle Zambrano Zambrano, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Estudiante de Tercer Nivel, Ingeniería en Tecnologías de la Información de la Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Chone, Ecuador

Mario Javier Marcillo Merino, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Ingeniero en Sistemas, Magíster en docencia universitaria, Docente de la Carrera en Ingeniería en Tecnologías de la Información. Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí. Jipijapa, Manabí, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Bonilla Yoza, M. M., Cevallos Pin , G. S. ., Zambrano Zambrano, S. M., & Marcillo Merino, M. J. (2022). Use of artificial intelligence in mobile devices. UNESUM - Ciencias. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria, 6(3), 87–97.



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