5G wireless technology that will change the world fully
communication, innovation, technologyAbstract
The present research work emphasizes the 5G wireless technology, considered as the fifth generation of mobile telephony technologies, capable of improving the lives of people in many aspects. The primary objective of this scientific research is to provide information about how 5G Technology has been able to divide the world into two, letting Russia and China work together in the next generation of Internet technology, leaving behind the US, one of the more advanced countries in terms of technology. In addition, it will detail the great advantages that this phenomenal know-how will bring. With regard to the development of this research work, the privileged countries will be manifested in making the first 5G international video call worldwide, for which the methods of scientific research such as: historical-logical and analysis-synthesis were used. Therefore, technical answers will be provided about small doubts that people usually ask when a new product or service arises; likewise, the five world powers that lead the technological development of the world will be planned. The analysis of the data showed that this article has been of great interest to the teacher's corporation of the State University of Sur de Manabí. Defining that, 5G technology allows downloads of movies, music, videos in an incredible time (3.7 seconds), also provides a wide coverage and above all promises more stable and secure connections.
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