Avulsive wound with skin graft
avulsive wound, skin graft, diabetic footAbstract
The objective of this article is to describe the experience of nursing students in the process of nursing care for patients with diabetic foot, through the development of the integrative knowledge project. This is an observational and prospective study of a clinical case of a 59-year-old man who underwent surgery to clean and debride necrotic tissue from the diabetic foot. Using the clinical history as an instrument, prior authorization of the patient, for data colectan. The analysis was structured in a physical examination, and complementary tests and functional patterns, thus applying the nursing care process acordinó to the identified diagnoses. Resulting in a positive experience for the nursing students since they met all their expectations, which helps them to a successful professional training, complying with direct nursing care in a diabetic patient, in addition to allowing them to analyze and elaborate care plans for the rehabilitation of the health status of this type of patients. In conclusión, the professional training process of a nursing student is complemented with their daily practice and their nursing criteria to provide comprehensive care to the patient and thus successfully complete their treatment.
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