Administrative management and organizational development as a tool for the cat Construction Company
administrative processes, development, skill, objectives, efficiencyAbstract
Currently, administrative management is essential in companies of any type and size, becoming an essential pillar for organizational development, by optimizing internal processes and eliminating redundancies, this leads to greater operational efficiency, which is essential to remain competitive in the current market and in the field of construction even more so. This research aimed to analyze administrative management and its impact on organizational development in the Cat Construction company of the San Vicente canton, which is located within the San Vicente canton-Province of Manabí. The methodology that was used in the development of this research has a mixed approach, it was also descriptive because the variables under study were analyzed, likewise, the research methods used were analysis and synthesis to understand and analyze the identified problem, the bibliographic one with the purpose of investigating theoretical and scientific sources to provide the theoretical support for the research, the deductive and the inductive to analyze the phenomenon investigated and obtain the respective conclusions. Likewise, the survey and interview were applied as research techniques in order to obtain information from primary and reliable sources. The development of the research variables and the methodology made it possible to show that administrative management affects organizational development, because administrative management is not simply an operational function, but is the engine that drives organizational development.
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