
  • Alfredo Jimenez González
  • Cristóbal Gonzalo Cantos Cevallos
  • María José Cedeño Loor
  • Laleshka Michelle Vera Salazar



beekeeping, associativity, floral calendar, honey from bees


In the Quimis enclosure of the Jipijapa Canton, in the southern area of ​​Manabͭ, Ecuador, an investigation was carried out related to the characterization of beekeeping production in the Aroma and Honey Association, in which the species of the tropical dry forest are the sustenance for bees in honey production. This honey is used by the local residents involved for, among other uses, marketing it. The objective of this study was based on characterizing beekeeping production in a cooperative system associated with the tropical dry forest. Seven active apiaries distributed within the enclosure were selected, where semi-structured interviews were conducted to 38 member families of said Association. The results show that the months of greatest flowering are between March and the beginning of October. The type of honey is mostly obtained from several flowers (28 citations) and only 10 interviewees mentioned that they chose a single flower, the flower of the Ceiba trichistandra species. The beekeepers make captures of the queen bee and divide the hive into what they call their new queen project. More than 50% of the interviewees affirmed that they do not feed their bees, meanwhile they also classify the honeys, based on flavor, color and texture, according to the flower from which they come. 50% of the interviewees carry out the transportation outside the venue. Beekeepers are unaware of all the honey species that bloom throughout the year, evidenced by the data presented in the floral calendar resulting from this research.


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How to Cite

Jimenez González, A. ., Cantos Cevallos, C. G. ., Cedeño Loor , M. J., & Vera Salazar, L. M. . (2021). CHARACTERIZATION OF BEEKEEPING IN A COOPERATIVE SYSTEM ASSOCIATED WITH THE TROPICAL DRY FOREST: CARACTERIZACIÓN DE LA PRODUCCIÓN APÍCOLA. UNESUM - Ciencias. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria, 5(3), 47–60.



Ciencias Agropecuarias

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