


Clinical ethics, beginning and end of life, bioethics, law, institutional committees.


Clinical ethics, a branch of ethics, addresses ethical and moral dilemmas in medicine and healthcare, particularly those related to the beginning and end of life. Closely linked to bioethics, which examines ethical issues in biology and medicine, and to law, given the legal implications of these dilemmas, clinical ethics provides a multidisciplinary approach to complex situations. This research analyzes the relationship between clinical ethics, bioethics, and law in addressing these challenges. Findings highlight the importance of their interaction to ensure comprehensive discussions and well-founded decisions that respect patients' rights and dignity. Institutional ethics committees play a crucial role in interpreting and applying ethical principles, promoting fair and equitable decisions while safeguarding ethical and legal standards in clinical practice. In conclusion, clinical ethics, in conjunction with bioethics and law, is essential for addressing dilemmas surrounding the beginning and end of life, ensuring integrity and the protection of patients' rights during critical moments.


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Author Biographies

Mario González Arencibia, Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas

Centro de Estudios de Gestión de Proyectos y Toma de Decisiones; Facultad de Informática Organizacional; Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas; La Habana, Cuba

Omar Mar Cornelio, Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas

Centro de Estudio de Matemática Computacional; Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas; La Habana, Cuba


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How to Cite

González Arencibia, M., & Mar Cornelio, O. (2025). CLINICAL ETHICS, BIOETHICS, AND LAW IN THE CONTEXT OF THE BEGINNING AND END OF LIFE . UNESUM - Ciencias. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria, 9(1), 149–163.



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