Efectividad de las estrategias de enseñanza en línea y presencial en el ámbito universitario
Evaluation, Methodology, Hybrid models, Learning, Educational qualityAbstract
The article addresses how to evaluate the effectiveness of online and face-to-face teaching strategies on the quantity and quality of learning of university students. To this end, a method is proposed that allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of these strategies in the Ibero-American university context. To design the method, it was necessary to conduct a bibliographic review to find practical experiences of measuring the impact of different teaching strategies. The study's results highlight that a well-founded method can provide clear knowledge about how these strategies influence university students' learning, thus allowing the teaching methodologies used to be effectively assessed and compared. This provides a solid foundation for future improvements in the educational field. The most remarkable results show that a well-founded method for evaluating the effectiveness of strategies can provide clear knowledge about their impact on the learning of university students. This approach allows the teaching methodologies used to be effectively assessed and compared, providing a solid foundation for future improvements in the educational field. The importance of adapting strategies to the different educational contexts of the region is highlighted, considering the existing diversity and the implementation of hybrid models is proposed that integrate the advantages of online and face-to-face teaching to improve educational quality.
KEYWORDS: Evaluation; Methodology; Hybrid models; Learning; Educational quality.
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