Morphological characteristics and uses of Annona deceptrix (Westra) H. Rainer, a threatened species, Manabí, Ecuador
Morphological characteristics, Flowering, Fruiting, Deforestation, ForestAbstract
Annona deceptrix (Westra) H. Rainer (Annonaceae) tree endemic to Ecuador and reported as a threatened species, according to the IUCN Red List, its vulnerability is due to anthropogenic activities (extraction and deforestation). It is distributed in humid microclimates of the tropical dry forest of the Ecuadorian coast, between 0-600 meters above sea level. The morphological characteristics and uses of the threatened species A deceptrix were determined in 10 communities, four in the northwestern area of Pedernales in the Pata de Pájaro hill and six in the southern area of Manabí Puerto López (Machalilla National Park). The action research technique and participatory action (IAP) were used. This methodology is based on the participation of people with empirical contributions that help the research, triangulated with qualitative and quantitative methods, secondary information tools, observation and semi-structured interviews. In the community of Puerto Lopez, 42% of the inhabitants know the species. In Pedernales, the surrounding communities with 39 interviews (chiefs and leaders of the communities, local guides, men and women who go through the forest), 87% do not know the species, 13% of the inhabitants of the communities of Atahualpa and Tachina know the species. In El Carmen, 16% are aware of the medicinal benefits of A. deceptrix, and 4.17% in Rio Blanco. The preparation of local dishes with the species A. deceptrix in El Carmen was 16% and in Rio Blanco 4.17% while in the other communities of Machalilla-Puerto Lopez there was a lack of knowledge. In Rio Blanco, the flowering season is in January and February, fruiting between March and June, the elders used to use it to combat snake bites and now women prepare salads for foreigners.
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