Business Management, MSMEs, business strategies, planning systems, process standardizationAbstract
This study exposes the problems presented by Ecuadorian MSMEs in relation to business resource planning systems in the deficiency in the absence of process manuals, lack of a function manual, optimization of resources. The objective of this research is to determine the business resource planning systems used by Ecuadorian MSMEs that optimize their processes of corporate and business strategic units. The type of methodology used is: descriptive-documentary research allowed to understand the information collected by authors. It is synthesized in the development and use of the planning system, application and products in data processing in the literary review, it was shown that this planning software is used by large multinational companies in the industrial sector. The implementation of this system allows the standardization of processes, use of technology, customer satisfaction, increased profits, demonstrating a good opportunity in the face of the great demand for information management.
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