
  • Bryan Antonio Rodriguez Toala
  • Eddy José Pincay Segovia
  • Kirenia Maldonado Zúñiga




connection, internet, information, WAM networks


The present research work dedicated to WAN networks and their importance for COMPUTERS should be today an important concern for any company organization where it benefits in the technological and labor field WAN networks are used mainly to send information over long distances and keep cities, countries and continents interconnected, allowing a high-speed information flow.The generality of the personal computer and the network has given rise to possibilities to access current information, we can load applications from anywhere, share and receive messages from anywhere in the world, all just from a computer and in seconds. Today's modern equipment, thanks to its complexity, allows us to network and is so efficient due to the diversity of its components. Worldwide, a computer network has been implemented that is considered one of the greatest advances in technology in recent decades.Its most relevant importance is that they keep the information in constant motion and within everyone's reach, since without these networks, the information would only be located on local networks and could not be accessed by users who are miles away.Without WAN networks, there would be no Internet or public access to information, it is for this reason that the presence of WAN networks in the world is very important. By the time the type of connection you will have is identified


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How to Cite

Rodriguez Toala, B. A., Pincay Segovia, E. J., & Maldonado Zúñiga, K. . (2022). WAN NETWORKS AND THEIR IMPORTANCE FOR COMPUTERS : LAS REDES WAN Y SU IMPORTANCIA PARA LOS ORDENADORES . UNESUM - Ciencias. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria, 6(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.47230/unesum-ciencias.v5.n4.2021.510




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