Risk factors in the prevention of chronic degenerative diseases in older adults
Older adults, chronic degenerative diseases, risk factorsAbstract
Chronic-degenerative diseases, resulting from habits that are harmful to health, represent one of the greatest challenges for health systems. The main objective of this research was to determine the role of nursing in the prevention of these diseases in the elderly, as part of the fulfillment of the objectives of the Nursing career linking project to delimit the scientific knowledge that justifies the incidence of strategies. and multidisciplinary programs for promotion, prevention and rehabilitation in biopsychosocial and cultural indicators of the elderly and the family in zone 4 of Manabí, in Ecuador; For this purpose, a qualitative study was carried out with a descriptive and systematic review methodology, using an analytical-synthetic approach. Bibliographies were reviewed in main databases such as Scielo, Dialnet, PubMed, Redalyc and Google Scholar, selecting a total of 21 articles for analysis. The results showed that the main sources of scientific articles were Google Scholar (33.3%), Scielo (28.6%) and Redalyc (28.6%). The main conclusion was that 55% of the research identified the educational role as the main function of nurses in the prevention of chronic-degenerative diseases. Based on these findings, an educational program was developed aimed at promoting changes in the lifestyle of older adults to prevent these diseases. The recommended measures to combat risk factors include maintaining a healthy weight, performing physical exercise, following a balanced diet and avoid the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nayely Del Rocio Rivas Vélez, Miryam Patricia Loor Vega, María Augusta Quijije Ortega, Fátima Monserrate Figueroa Cañarte
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