Digital tools in the learning process, in agricultural technical high school.
Digital Tools, Learning, Technical BaccalaureateAbstract
The present research addresses a study on digital tools in the learning process in agricultural technical high schools and aims to determine the influence of ICT on the learning of high school students. Considering that knowledge of the existing tools for the agricultural technical area allows for the provision of innovative and quality education, the use of these allows you to convert traditional learning into modern learning, that is, students actively intervene in the learning process, which strengthens their academic growth with a constructivist model, with them being the ones who build their own learning with the guidance of their teachers. The study methodology is through deductive-inductive and analytical methods based on the survey technique and the application of a questionnaire, whose results will be systematized and analyzed in correspondence with the available bibliography. descriptive research with a mixed approach, that is, qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results show that there is a limitation in the use of digital tools by teachers as a result of some budgetary variables, the environment, and the educational model, concluding that greater access to technology and better use of resources should be encouraged. available, to benefit the students' learning process.
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