Credit, entrepreneurship, microenterpriseAbstract
Microcredits are aimed at citizens with limited possibility of requesting a loan in the general financial system. Comply with a number of requirements, the accentuated economic crisis due to Covid-19, an unstable business culture due to the pandemic, fearful leadership and without the ideal preparation to venture into cyberspace given the current situation in Ecuador, are part of the problem. that are presented when applying for a microcredit for the MSMEs sector. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate access to financing sources in MSMEs and their impact on business growth, considering that microcredits are a type of small loan and short duration that is commonly granted to people with a low degree of resources, they do not have collateral and, consequently, they are excluded from classical banking. In this sense, the case of several national private and public banks was considered that, analyzed from a descriptive research design supported by the bibliographic review of the positions that have emerged in relation to microcredits, show their incidence in the growth of MSMEs. The results allowed to expose the conceptual bases that argue the study variables and how the banking from its divisional structure has shown itself in the face of the Covid-19 crisis, alleviating in some way the pressure of the credit obligations of its clients, in a scenario of lower liquidity in businesses, due to the health emergency.
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