Tax culture in the SMES of Rocafuerte for an efficient collection
tax culture, tax collection, RISE, ignorance of tax lawAbstract
This quantitative documentary research study investigated tax culture of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Rocafuerte Canton, and its effect on tax collection applying a diagnosis to determine tax compliance and behavior regarding their culture and collection generated. Accordingly, this study resulted there were found 286 SMEs registered at the Taxpayer Registry; 206 are registered as the taxpayers and/or Unique Taxpayer Registry (RUC, for its initials in Spanish), and 80 are registered as the Ecuadorian Simplified Tax Regime (RISE, for its initials in Spanish). Descriptive method was used, and it was undertaken a survey of 58 SME owners on topics such as economic activities, types of SMEs, investment, and monthly purchase and sales volume, using stratified random sampling. The findings indicate that these SMEs have a diversity of economic activities mostly corresponding to retail businesses, with 67% devoted to the buying and selling of food, and 95% being sole proprietorships. Likewise, most of them inject capital through informal loans, with purchase and sale volumes that meet the permitted range of category A from 0 to 5,000 usually using RISE, so as not to be obliged to keep accounting. In conclusion, the lack of interest and ignorance about tax issues and benefits, and the limited used of financial instruments imply that these retail traders may commit irregularities and may be subject to sanctions, which determines that tax culture level is meaningfully low in this canton.
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