Pandemic, teaching, impact, technologiesAbstract
The current effects of the crisis on higher education are easy to document with the actions that the government has taken to guarantee the right to higher education during the pandemic. The lack of references to similar crises in the past makes it difficult to predict what might happen in the immediate future. In the case of students; The immediate impact has obviously been the temporary cessation of the universities' face-to-face activities, which has left those who aspire to enter higher education in a new situation and without a clear idea of ​​how long it will last with impacts on their daily life, the costs incurred and their financial burdens and, of course, the continuity of their learning. The teaching staffs also suffer important effects in the workplace and professionally, it must be taken into account that not all HEIs have strategies for the continuity of teaching activity and, in their absence, temporary contracts may be terminated. Non-teaching personnel represent the most vulnerable sector in terms of possible reduction of jobs. Therefore, the objective of this article is to raise awareness about the importance of educational and pedagogical changes demanded by the world of today and that of the future, taking into account technological advances, differences in interests, ways of learning, skills of the new generations and the environmental consequences that arise from a globalized world and that each time exhaust the possibilities of massive face-to-face meetings.
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