Tourism development plan for Cantagallo canton Jipijapa
Plan, tourism development, diagnosis, demand, spondylus route, programsAbstract
The present work consisted in the design of a tourism development plan in the Cantagallo community and has the purpose of contributing to the positioning of the town within thw Spondylus Route. The procedure consisted of a tourism diagnosis, potencial demand of this community and the design of a tourism development plan. Relevant methods and techniques were used, both descriptive, bibliographic, field, study, direct observation, files, survey, among others. As a result, relevant information on the site, natural and cultural resources was collected, it was obtained that the capacity, potential and predisposition to meet the requirements of the demand in terms of rural tourism activities. As a consequence the proposed tourism development plan for the spondylus route is designd which is directed into three programs for the improvement of tuorismo in the sector that is; the elaboration of a program for the improvement of the tourist infraestructura preparation in the tourist field to the native guides and proposal of promotional communication strategies for the diffusion of the tourist attractions of the Cantagallo community, where the implementation and diffusion of the same is proposed.
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