Preparation of agriculture leaders for contribution of the territory development
leader preparation, knowledge management, local development projectsAbstract
the preparation of leaders most lead to develop public officials capable to assume new sources of knowledge, stand on the mind change that actually is impelling on the country. The main contribution university management to the local development is expose through Municipal University Centers(CUM),to transform in management support of knowledge and innovation on the territory. taking in account the strategy of the municipality development and the call of Agrofrutals project insert on the territory. Was created a province technical staff lead for CUM. Were realized 9 proposals of projects, and were approved 7 of municipal Agricola-centers. With the practice of these projects was achieved a high articulation between workers, people who take decisions and the technical staff .appreciate advances in the directorship style of the leaders and people who take decisions when start using methods of collective directorship. is advance on the preparation and sensibility of leaders to make easer the conformation and function of mechanisms for integration of all local actors on the territory development .is promoted the formulation of innovated projects, corresponded with sustainable development objectives ,the strategy of municipal development, its develop lines and the programs identified on the territory, integrated with local actors, that contribute to local development and to flatter the quality of life of Artemisia’s population.
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