project, psychopedagogical intervention, scientific research activity, counseling, comprehensive trainingAbstract
The Cuban Revolution from its beginnings has placed education as a primary task, for this reason it is necessary to work effectively in the integrality of the professional future; develop it in all its intellectual, physical and spiritual capacities. Our society aspires to train individuals capable of facing the demands of the new millennium. For these reasons, the Department of General Pedagogical Training has the project "Psychopedagogical intervention model for local development in Artemis", where what has been said is manifested, from the training of the psychopedagogue at the University of Artemisa; education is combined with economics. Those involved in this project contribute to the execution of actions necessary for better learning, since the psychopedagogue, unlike the rest of the students from other Faculties, has other missions; For this reason, they must be fully trained with the knowledge of advice, consultancy and tutoring as basic categories of great daily utility, in guiding schools, other institutions and production and service companies. Due to this, in this work, counseling is distinguished as a help service with a differentiated character that can contribute to improving job performance and professional guidance, thus facilitating the cultural preparation of all those involved. In addition, with each of the actions of this project, it is achieved that the psychopedagogue is able to intervene in educational contexts (family, school, community and companies), standing out for their sense of belonging, for their ideo-political formation and values.
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