Pollution of the “Pajan” river at the height of the “Duran” neighborhood sector
ODS, water resources, methods, serious problems, solutionAbstract
This article was carried out at the height of the “Durán” neighborhood sector where the river belonging to the Paján canton of the Manabí province presents great pollution initiations due to the factors that will be seen and analyzed in the document, and with this make known the problem that has been generated for 20 years, since the Board of Hydraulic Resources has not given a solution despite the insistent demands of the inhabitants of the area It should be noted that the article has been related to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) which were selected 3 related to this study, such as goal 3 (health and well-being), goal 6 (Clean water and sanitation), and objective 11 (sustainable cities and communities) and surveys of the population were carried out in which 150 people participated and their margin of error was 8%, where it can be analyzed that in the data obtained they find 84% who say that the main agent The polluter of the Paján river is man, while 14% said it was others. the methods used were analysis and synthesis methods, historical and statistical method. In addition, so that the new generation is not affected by these serious problems, it is necessary to have respon-sibility above all to give a possible solution and have knowledge about the great consequences that may arise in the future but a solution is found in this regard since not only the river would be harmed if not the population through pollution levels and its effect on health.Downloads
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