co-responsibility, solid, citizenship, wasteAbstract
The management of environmental education in the separation of waste, is understood as a system that includes the adequate, collection, selection, transport and use of waste from a community. When finding waste of different materials such as plastics, glass, organic matter, cardboard, electronic and electrical waste, among others. For which we can observe lying in the streets of the city while we walk. For this reason, this article analyzes the relationship that exists between citizen co-responsibility with the separation of waste in the city. 384 people from the city of jipijapa participated in the study, with a margin of error of 5.5%. Materials such as google drive forms were used, in order to reach the largest number of inhabitants, a method such as analytical, quantitative and hypothetical-deductive. With the results obtained, we conclude that, in the management of environmental education on waste separation, 49.2% of the participants do have knowledge about waste separation, 22.7% have little knowledge, 17.7% have very little knowledge , while from 7.8% to 2.6% are not aware of it. In addition, it was found that for the new future generation they are not affected, the responsibilities we have as citizens with environmental education in the separation of waste is essential for change and thus provide a solution to this problem and have a clean and healthy planet.
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