Financial education as a support for entrepreneurship in Technical High School students
DOI: clave:
Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Educational contextResumen
Educational programs in the field of finance and entrepreneurship as an early career boost are a goal in the Ecuadorian educational system, therefore the objective of this research was to analyze the impact of financial education on entrepreneurship of young high school graduates at an early age. age sustainably. To analyze the research problem, a prior study of the educational, economic and social context of current educational programs was carried out. For this purpose, a documentary-bibliographic review of works related to the topic was carried out, with which the theoretical content was substantiated and contrasted. The research had a qualitative approach. It was concluded that the main difficulties in guaranteeing the sustainability of ventures are an inadequate financial culture, as well as the lack of innovation in educational establishments that allows competitiveness in local markets.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Oswaldo Vicente Baque Sánchez, Walter Enrique Jalca Moreira, Verónica Isabel Pincay Reyes, Jennifer Valeria Macías Solórzano

Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución 4.0.