Ciencia y Líderes Volumen 3, Número 1, 2024
Financial education is a fundamental
pillar for people to obtain the maximum be-
nefit from the financial products and servi-
ces offered by the national financial system
and, consequently, the national financial
inclusion policy and the National Financial
Education Strategy are closely related, rein-
forcing each other. mutually (Inter-Ameri-
can Development Bank, 2020) (MINEDUC,
2022). Therefore, it is pertinent to have me-
chanisms that promote financial inclusion
and that this is framed by current educatio-
nal bases.
According to (North et al., 2019), finan-
ce constitutes an economic discipline that
focuses on money management. In the field
of business finance, organizations give value
to money through the efficient use of their re-
sources. In the case of public finances, we
analyze how fiscal and monetary policies
optimize tax collection for reinvestment. Re-
garding personal finances, families calculate
their income and determine how much pru-
dence they need to pay for the end-of-the-
year vacations. Despite this, it is important to
highlight that finances are not universal nor
do they follow an exact pattern, since they
are closely linked to cultural values.
In Latin America, Ecuador has the hi-
ghest rate of entrepreneurial activity, as re-
vealed by a report that the ESPAE Graduate
School of Management of ESPOL presen-
ted as part of the Global Entrepreneurship
Monitor (GEM) project in 2015, in a global
report that measures entrepreneurship. The
GEM data indicate on a regional scale that
Ecuador is in first place for entrepreneurs-
hip, followed by countries such as Chile with
25.9%, Colombia with 22.7%, and Peru with
an entrepreneurial rate of 22.2%. (Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor, 2016)
In the country different programs
encourage and finance entrepreneurship
as a micro-business management model,
however, many of these businesses do not
have continuity, development, sustainability
or long-term economic sustainability, which
leads to a research problem aimed at the
factors that influence or limit local entrepre-
neurship. Given this, some investigations
will be addressed during the research pro-
cess, as indicated by (Anchundia Baque
and Barrezueta Ayala, 2017) as job oppor-
tunities have closed the doors to a countless
number of inhabitants, what is entrepreneur-
ship is born. which provides a means of en-
try into a highly competitive labour market.
With the participation of the leaders of
the Ministry of Education, the Secretariat of
Higher Education, Science, Technology and
Innovation (SENESCYT) and the Council of
Higher Education (CES), an Intersectoral
Agreement was signed on November 20
to implement the Financial Education in the
Educational System, with the support of the
private and public sectors. This agreement
provides the opportunity for students to ac-
quire important life skills, especially in finan-
cial literacy and entrepreneurship, which are
increasingly crucial in globalized societies.
Among the strengthened competencies are
adaptability, effective communication, crea-
tivity, autonomous problem-solving, emotio-
nal management, social interaction and tea-
mwork. (MINEDUC, 2022)
The Ecuadorian educational system, in
its commitment to generating opportunities
for young entrepreneurs, has developed
the subject of entrepreneurship and mana-
gement within the national curriculum (em-, 2021), trying to boost the
resources that a certain community has with
the human value of preparation and develo-
pment of skills and abilities for entrepreneu-
rship and innovation from schooling. It refers
to the additional effort that a person makes
to achieve their goal; the term is also used
for the person who starts a new project or
business (Dorf, 2013). In Ecuador, poverty,
unemployment, and inequality are problems
that Ecuadorians face daily. For this reason,
other survival options were sought, such as
the creation of new sustainable ventures
that improve the economic situation, gene-