La educación financiera como soporte del emprendimiento
en los estudiantes del bachillerato Técnico
Revista Ciencia y Líderes
Volumen 3, Número 1, 2024
Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí
ISSN-e: 2960-8104
Financial education as a support for entrepreneurship in
Technical High School students
Ciencia y Líderes
Volumen: 3
Número: 1
Año: 2024
Paginación: 23-30
*Correspondencia autor:
Recibido: 21-02-2024 Aceptado: 18-05-2024 Publicado: 20-06-2024
Oswaldo Vicente Baque Sánchez1
Walter Enrique Jalca Moreira2
1. Docente de la Unidad Educativa Quince de Octubre; Jipijapa, Ecuador.
2. Docente de la Unidad Educativa Quince de Octubre; Jipijapa, Ecuador.
3. Magíster en Educación Básica; Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación Mención Educación General Básica; Docente de la Unidad Educativa Dr. Edmundo
Carbo; Jipijapa; Ecuador.
4. Magíster en Educación; Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación Mención Inglés Francés; Docente de la Unidad Educativa Manuel Inocencio Parrales I
Guale; Jipijapa; Ecuador.
Verónica Isabel Pincay Reyes3
Jennifer Valeria Macías Solórzano4
Educational programs in the field of finance and entrepreneurship as an early career boost are a goal in the
Ecuadorian educational system, therefore the objective of this research was to analyze the impact of financial
education on entrepreneurship of young high school graduates at an early age. age sustainably. To analyze
the research problem, a prior study of the educational, economic and social context of current educational
programs was carried out. For this purpose, a documentary-bibliographic review of works related to the topic
was carried out, with which the theoretical content was substantiated and contrasted. The research had a
qualitative approach. It was concluded that the main difficulties in guaranteeing the sustainability of ventures
are an inadequate financial culture, as well as the lack of innovation in educational establishments that allows
competitiveness in local markets.
Keywords: Innovation. Entrepreneurship, Educational context.
Los programas educativos en el ámbito de las finanzas y el emprendimiento como impulso laboral tempra-
no, son una meta en el sistema educativo ecuatoriano, por ello el objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar
el impacto de la educación financiera para el emprendimiento de jóvenes bachilleres a una temprana edad
de manera sostenible. Para el análisis de la problemática de la investigación se realizó un estudio previo del
contexto educativo, económico y social de los programas educativos actuales. Para este efecto, se realizó
una revisión documental-bibliográfica de trabajos relacionados con la temática, con lo cual se fundamentó y
contrastó el contenido teórico. La investigación tuvo un enfoque cualitativo. Se concluyó que las principales
dificultades para garantizar la sostenibilidad de los emprendimientos es una inadecuada cultura financiera,
así como la falta innovación en los planteles educativos que permita competitividad en los mercados locales.
Palabras clave: Innovación, Emprendimiento, Contexto educativo.
Ciencia y Líderes Volumen 3, Número 1, 2024
Financial education is a fundamental
pillar for people to obtain the maximum be-
nefit from the financial products and servi-
ces offered by the national financial system
and, consequently, the national financial
inclusion policy and the National Financial
Education Strategy are closely related, rein-
forcing each other. mutually (Inter-Ameri-
can Development Bank, 2020) (MINEDUC,
2022). Therefore, it is pertinent to have me-
chanisms that promote financial inclusion
and that this is framed by current educatio-
nal bases.
According to (North et al., 2019), finan-
ce constitutes an economic discipline that
focuses on money management. In the field
of business finance, organizations give value
to money through the efficient use of their re-
sources. In the case of public finances, we
analyze how fiscal and monetary policies
optimize tax collection for reinvestment. Re-
garding personal finances, families calculate
their income and determine how much pru-
dence they need to pay for the end-of-the-
year vacations. Despite this, it is important to
highlight that finances are not universal nor
do they follow an exact pattern, since they
are closely linked to cultural values.
In Latin America, Ecuador has the hi-
ghest rate of entrepreneurial activity, as re-
vealed by a report that the ESPAE Graduate
School of Management of ESPOL presen-
ted as part of the Global Entrepreneurship
Monitor (GEM) project in 2015, in a global
report that measures entrepreneurship. The
GEM data indicate on a regional scale that
Ecuador is in first place for entrepreneurs-
hip, followed by countries such as Chile with
25.9%, Colombia with 22.7%, and Peru with
an entrepreneurial rate of 22.2%. (Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor, 2016)
In the country different programs
encourage and finance entrepreneurship
as a micro-business management model,
however, many of these businesses do not
have continuity, development, sustainability
or long-term economic sustainability, which
leads to a research problem aimed at the
factors that influence or limit local entrepre-
neurship. Given this, some investigations
will be addressed during the research pro-
cess, as indicated by (Anchundia Baque
and Barrezueta Ayala, 2017) as job oppor-
tunities have closed the doors to a countless
number of inhabitants, what is entrepreneur-
ship is born. which provides a means of en-
try into a highly competitive labour market.
With the participation of the leaders of
the Ministry of Education, the Secretariat of
Higher Education, Science, Technology and
Innovation (SENESCYT) and the Council of
Higher Education (CES), an Intersectoral
Agreement was signed on November 20
to implement the Financial Education in the
Educational System, with the support of the
private and public sectors. This agreement
provides the opportunity for students to ac-
quire important life skills, especially in finan-
cial literacy and entrepreneurship, which are
increasingly crucial in globalized societies.
Among the strengthened competencies are
adaptability, effective communication, crea-
tivity, autonomous problem-solving, emotio-
nal management, social interaction and tea-
mwork. (MINEDUC, 2022)
The Ecuadorian educational system, in
its commitment to generating opportunities
for young entrepreneurs, has developed
the subject of entrepreneurship and mana-
gement within the national curriculum (em-, 2021), trying to boost the
resources that a certain community has with
the human value of preparation and develo-
pment of skills and abilities for entrepreneu-
rship and innovation from schooling. It refers
to the additional effort that a person makes
to achieve their goal; the term is also used
for the person who starts a new project or
business (Dorf, 2013). In Ecuador, poverty,
unemployment, and inequality are problems
that Ecuadorians face daily. For this reason,
other survival options were sought, such as
the creation of new sustainable ventures
that improve the economic situation, gene-
Ciencia y Líderes Volumen 3, Número 1, 2024
rate new jobs, and contribute to the coun-
try's economy (Paredes, 2017).
The incorporation of the subject of En-
trepreneurship and Management in the edu-
cational curriculum of the Unified General
Baccalaureate of Ecuador responds to the
national guidelines established by the cu-
rrent Legal Regulations, which seek to pre-
pare the students willing to create, build,
innovate, take risks, plan, execute and eva-
luate projects of all kinds. (Ecuador, 2017).
This initiative responds to the social needs
of generating employment opportunities ta-
king into consideration existing natural re-
sources that contribute to strengthening the
local economy.
The present research aims to diagnose
the development of entrepreneurship and
its sustainability in the international market
based on adequate financial education,
through an epistemological study in which
designs are implemented in the labour mar-
ket and from the educational sector for the
country's economic development. This work
arises from the need to develop an appro-
priate methodology for the learning, design,
development and execution of projects
that allow young people to enter the world
of work and under the conditions of global
In educational institutions, it is evident
that despite the integration of the entrepre-
neurship subject as the basis of the educa-
tional system, where the aim is to instill in
the student a financial and entrepreneurship
culture, these high school graduates cannot
manage and organize businesses that allow
them to consolidate a commercial projec-
tion, on the contrary, they focus on following
that traditional pattern of behaviour that in-
volves loans and businesses without market
studies and with a total lack of administrati-
ve structures and financing methods for the
management of capital. sustainable way;
and define this as the way to decide what
they will do in the future.
For the research to have a relationship
between the proposed objectives and the
problem statement, the historical-logical
method was used, where the diagnosis was
carried out and the antecedents that expan-
ded the research framework of the entrepre-
neurship management process used in the
first were evaluated. year of high school ac-
cording to the curricular plan of the Ministry
of Education.
To determine the impact that is gene-
rated as a result of the interaction between
application of new knowledge, different on-
line classes developed on the Teams plat-
form (platform proposed by the MINEDUC)
were observed, as well as interviews with
teachers from the subject.
Through the analysis and synthesis
method, the bibliography and sources re-
lated to the topic are analyzed, as well as
the induction-deduction method that allows
for establishing the contextual model for the
development of entrepreneurship manage-
ment. In the logical historical method in the
analysis of the chronological process of de-
velopment and implementation of Entrepre-
neurship Management as a subject in the
Ecuadorian educational sector, as well as
the background that frames the importance
and efficiency at a global level.
The social, urban and, above all, eco-
nomic development in developed countries
has been based on their capacity for en-
trepreneurship in different areas. This has
generated large-scale opportunities since;
by opening new jobs, the living conditions
of its inhabitants have improved. They be-
come more sophisticated, comfortable and
bearable, especially in the face of critical
situations in which underdeveloped coun-
tries live.
Baque Sánchez, O. V., Jalca Moreira, W. E., Pincay Reyes, V. I., & Macías Solórzano, J. V.
Ciencia y Líderes Volumen 3, Número 1, 2024
Before the 1990s, entrepreneurship was
thought to be primarily restricted to domes-
tic settings. More recently, it has become
evident that ventures can be internationally
active and successful (Presutti, 2017). As
indicated, entrepreneurship was conceived
as an extra-domestic activity that allowed
certain members of the household to deve-
lop activities in their leisure time to obtain
some additional good or remuneration. This
mode of entrepreneurship could be consi-
dered as an empirical and entertainment
activity, in which a good or service was offe-
red, sold or exchanged.
This type of practices has been develo-
ped many years ago and in different coun-
tries and societies, giving rise to innovative
ideas that allowed the development of infor-
mal commercial activities and that in some
cases resulted in a way of life and financial
sustainability (Vecchio, 2013). In this way,
the first patterns of unplanned entrepreneur-
ship arose, without a business plan and with
acceptable profitability.
The well-known industrial development
in first world countries has been the result of
investment, entrepreneurship and innovation
programs accompanied by efficient financial
education as part of projects that have sus-
tained their sustainability in the preparation
of human talent as added value, both to de-
sign, management, produce, distribute and
promote small and large-scale production,
satisfying consumer needs and generating
employment and investment opportunities.
Despite what is known internationally
about successful entrepreneurship models,
in Ecuador there is a deep-rooted conformist
culture in which entrepreneurs and micro-en-
trepreneurs reject processes of change and
innovation due to factors such as fear of fai-
lure and change, sentimental attachment
to real estate or simple conformity to obtain
what is necessary for a simple lifestyle.
In Ecuador, there are programs that pro-
mote entrepreneurship through the applica-
tion of viable and sustainable projects that
require capital to start their operation (De
Bono, 2019) (Presutti, 2017). This is an infor-
mation and data management platform for
the Ecuadorian entrepreneurship ecosys-
tem, which is connected to the Trueque Em-
prende APP, to obtain data such as: geo-
location, mapping, monitoring, interactions
and tracking of actors in the ecosystem.
The inclusion of financial culture in the
educational field is a crucial aspect that indi-
cates the progress, need and opportunities
of countries. Financial education is of great
importance both for nations with extensive
experience that serve as models and for
those that are in the process of preparation
and implementation. Based on World Bank
data first published in 2011, it provides
growth indicators and comparisons of the
actions people take around the world regar-
ding saving, borrowing, payments and risk
management (CEF, 2018).
The challenge of the Ministry of Educa-
tion is to place entrepreneurship as a funda-
mental part in the development of the stu-
dent, changing traditional paradigms and
instilling in them to be versatile and versatile
people that allows them to be autonomous
and able to adapt to the environment that
surrounds them and commit to the social
and economic development of its environ-
ment by creating enterprises that are com-
petitive, that are maintained and positioned
in the market, making the context a primary
aspect in the investigation of this problem,
which is why this article aims to analyze in-
novation strategies that promote Sustainable
entrepreneurship in high school students.
In Ecuador starting in 2015 the entre-
preneurship and management subject was
implemented, the purpose of which was to
prepare autonomous high school graduates
with new ideas and a consolidated entre-
preneurial spirit, however, the results are not
encouraging since the rate of entrepreneurs
is one of the lowest in Latin America, and
when it comes to commercial sustainability,
Ciencia y Líderes Volumen 3, Número 1, 2024
many structural deficiencies affect young
entrepreneurs, especially high school gra-
duates who lack experience and innovative
and efficient knowledge.
The entrepreneur is that individual who
identifies, evaluates and takes advantage
of lucrative opportunities, considering the
risk, being attentive to opportunities and the
need for innovation (Venkataraman, 2017).
The results obtained during the research
with high school students show optimism on
the part of educational actors in the creation
of strategies that promote entrepreneurship
and knowledge with the related area, throu-
gh innovative projects. These projects are
developed in an organized, systematized
manner and with constant evaluation in the
proposed stages, to ensure the sustainabili-
ty of each initiative.
The research work of (Pulido, 2015) is
considered, which states: entrepreneurs-
hip is a way of thinking and acting oriented
towards the creation of wealth. It is a way of
thinking, reasoning and acting focused on
opportunities, presented with a global vision
and carried out through balanced leaders-
hip and the management of calculated risk,
its result is the creation of value that benefits
the company, economy and society‖; This
concept goes hand in hand with innovation,
which not only talks about technological as-
pects, it is about changing an environment;
In other words, we seek to set objectives
and work diligently to achieve them for the
benefit of our society.
In 2021, (Alberto Mogrovejo, 2021)
in his thesis stated entrepreneurship as a
dynamic strategy in Latin American eco-
nomies has been going on since the 90s,
Ecuador is one of the pioneers, although,
with several problems due to the difficulties
that new businesses have in being sustai-
nable, the objective is to determine the im-
portance of entrepreneurship to achieve
independence and economic stability. The
high levels of unemployment, and the low
quality of the existing ones, have created
the need to generate its own resources. The
State must train entrepreneurs by facilitating
knowledge of the different stages, in addi-
tion; to the banking investment contribution
in a better way; The research method is a
bibliographic review based on the technical
reports of the Global Entrepreneurship Mo-
nitor (GEM) (2018). The conclusion is that
the Government should create laws that en-
courage greater participation by banks in
microcredit; and, coordinate the monitoring
of these new business initiatives.
Taking into account the importance of
promoting a change of mentality in univer-
sity students, both authorities and parents
consider it crucial to motivate and guide
young people towards innovation from the
high school stage. For (Rauch et al., 2019)
this fosters proactive environments that fa-
cilitate the analysis of the student's imme-
diate environment to address and resolve
present challenges.
From an educational point of view, en-
trepreneurship and business productive ma-
nagement must be taken as a need of the
individual for their academic training, pro-
fessional development and insertion into the
world of work and be true entities of progress
and generators of opportunities and social
growth. With this premise, it is stated that the
best strategy to combat poverty, unemploy-
ment, crime, corruption and underdevelop-
ment in general is education. Governments
are obliged to prepare young entrepreneurs,
generators of their own progress, with an in-
novative spirit and with sufficient cognitive
capacity to face new challenges that lead to
social economic development.
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Cómo citar: Baque Sánchez, O. V., Jalca Moreira, W. E.,
Pincay Reyes, V. I., & Macías Solórzano, J. V. (2024).
Financial education as a support for entrepreneurship
in Technical High School students. Revista Ciencia Y
Líderes, 3(1), 23–30.
Baque Sánchez, O. V., Jalca Moreira, W. E., Pincay Reyes, V. I., & Macías Solórzano, J. V.