Caracterización socio productiva de los sistemas cafetaleros, parroquia El Anegado cantón Jipijapa-Ecuador
Characteristics, productive partner, coffee systemsAbstract
The objective of the research is to socio-productively characterize the small rural coffee-producing units of the Pan y Agua, Sucre, Buenos Aires and Bajo Grande communities, belonging to the El Anegado Parish. The methodology used was non-parametric experimental, applying a completely randomized design in the qualitative variables. For the analysis of the qualitative variables, descriptive statistics and chi square were applied. The results obtained when characterizing the coffee systems: Annual income of coffee producers, 45.7% have incomes of $100 to 200, 10% have incomes of $300 to 400, 32.9% have incomes of $500 to 600 , 5.7% have incomes of $700 to 900 and 5.7% have incomes greater than $1000 in their coffee production; 47.1% of coffee farmers associate coffee with other crops and 52.9% do not associate it with any other crop; The varieties grown in this parish are Arábigo Caturro with 24.3%, Arábiga Paca variety with 4.3%, Sarchimor 4260 with 60%, Sarchimor 1669 with 8.6% and the Acawa variety with 2.9%; Of the labor to harvest coffee, 41.4% is hired and 58.6% is family labor; 94.3% of producers sell cherry coffee, 4.3% sell dried ball coffee and 1.4% sell ground coffee; 22.9% of the producers are profitable from coffee cultivation and 77.1% are not profitable from coffee cultivation; The channel where coffee is marketed is in the cantonal capitals with 90%, it is also marketed to rural intermediaries with 10%. The correspondence analysis defines the social and productive dimension as the priorities in solving the problems of the coffee sector of the El Anegado Parish.
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