Songs for enhancing oral communication
through the acquired of vocabulary
Revista UNESUM-Ciencias
Volumen 7, Número 1, 2023
Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí
ISSN-e: 2602-8166
Canciones para mejorar la comunicación oral mediante la
adquisición de vocabulario
Volumen: 7
Número: 1
Año: 2023
Paginación: 23-36
*Correspondencia autor:
Recibido: 27/09/2022 Aceptado: 21/01/2023 Publicado: 28/02/2023
Cinthia Margoth Moncada Cevallos
Carlos Chancay Cedeño
1. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación, mención Ingles, idioma electivo; Maestría profesional en Pedagogía de los idiomas nacionales
y extranjeros, mención enseñanza del idioma inglés de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Portoviejo, Ecuador.
2. PhD. Carlos Chancay Cedeño; Docente de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí; Portoviejo, Ecuador.
A la hora de aprender una lengua extranjera, es necesario tener en cuenta que existen varios factores que
influyen en su adquisición, entre ellos la metodología que utiliza el docente en el aula. Es necesario considerar
cuál es el papel que juegan los profesores de lenguas extranjeras en el proceso de enseñanza de idiomas,
sus características son sus límites, objetivos y cómo alcanzarlos. La música didáctica es la metodología que
se lleva a cabo cuando una persona necesita desarrollar los sentidos como el auditivo, intelectual, sensorial,
el habla y principalmente el sentido motor del niño. Esta investigación fue exploratoria, con un enfoque cuan-
titativo. La población fueron los estudiantes de primer año del Bachillerato General Unificado (BGU) de la
Unidad Educativa Fiscal “Galo Plaza Lasso” de Jipijapa – Manabí, a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta. Los
resultados sugieren que el uso de canciones ayuda a los estudiantes a obtener y adquirir nuevo vocabulario,
así como expresiones gramaticales.
Palabras clave: Lenguaje, Pedagogía, Didáctica Musical, Auditiva, Metodología de Enseñanza-Aprendi-
When learning a foreign language, it is necessary to take into account that there are several factors that
influence its acquisition, including the methodology used by the teacher in the classroom. It is neces-
sary to consider the role of foreign language teachers in the language teaching process, their limits,
goals and how to achieve them (Abdullaev, 2021). Didactic music is the methodology that is carried out
when a person needs to develop the senses such as auditory, intellectual, sensory, speech and main-
ly the child's motor sense. This research was exploratory, with a quantitative approach. The popula-
tion was the first year students of the Unified General Baccalaureate (BGU) of the Fiscal Educational Unit
""Galo Plaza Lasso"" of Jipijapa – Manabí, to whom a survey was applied. The results suggest that the use
of songs helps students to concentrate and acquire new vocabulary, as well as grammatical expressions.
Keywords: Language, Didactics, Teaching-Learning Methodology, Vocabulary Acquisition.
REVISTA UNESUM-Ciencias Volumen 7, Número 3, 2023
When learning a foreign language, it is ne-
cessary to take into account that there are
innumerable factors that influence its ac-
quisition. If these exist, it is necessary to
consider the importance of knowing them
and, at the same time, understanding them
to achieve the goal of the optimal language
learning process. Within these factors we
can find those related to the development of
communication skills in another language.
There is a need to understand how these
can influence and to what extent in the de-
velopment process of oral productive and
perceptual skills. By better understanding
these phenomena, it is possible to consider
the role that foreign language teachers can
play in the language teaching process, its
limits, objectives and how to achieve them
(Abdullaev, 2021).
In the teaching of English, a series of me-
thods, techniques, strategies and materials
are used to make teaching more effective.
The teaching of oral communication is a
challenge for teachers in the area of langua-
ges. One reason may be that, in most ca-
ses, the student has no way to practice this
skill outside of English class. Also, in some
cases, not enough time is spent practicing
this skill; or the activities are not appropriate
for that purpose.
That is why getting the student to communi-
cate is a great responsibility of the teacher,
who must have strategies and techniques
that facilitate the student's development of
this skill, oral production (Toro y otros, 2019).
Learning English, as well as any other fo-
reign language, can be done in a simple,
easy and fun way, facilitating the acquisition
of words and phrases of greater practical
use in the most appropriate contexts. In re-
cent years, the use of songs in the English
learning process is a useful complement
that helps develop linguistic levels such as
phonetic-phonological, grammatical and
semantic, as well as psycholinguistic as-
pects. However, there are still problems in
the acquisition of the English language due
to the lack of interest and attention of the
students during their learning.
Currently, one of the most common pro-
blems that are evident regarding oral com-
munication in a foreign language is the mis-
pronunciation of the letters of the alphabet
and the fact of not taking into account the
segmental sounds within it. The difference
between sounds ending in T or TH is not
marked, which limits the pronunciation of
new vocabularies. Most of the students do
not know and do not clearly understand the
basic knowledge of English, such as perso-
nal pronouns, the verb Be and its use within
a conversation, since most of the verbs in
English depend a lot on the pronouns to give
a meaning. correct meaning of the sentence
within a given context (Mustapha, 2019).
There are English grammars that involve
the use of the verb BE and how it should
be involved and function in the present and
past tenses. In English, most words except
foreign words lack accents to emphasize
the vowel sound. For this reason, the lack
of correct intonation in the words of the vo-
cabulary that is taught is a latent problem
in institutions, which is why teachers have
seen the need to implement new tools, such
as songs, not only to arouse interest but to
guarantee the learning process.
This problem does not allow to differentia-
te the sounds of one word from another, for
example, the singular and plural of words
or the use of verbs in the present and past.
When pronunciation and intonation are not
clear to students, trying to organize con-
versations or learn greetings in English be-
comes frustrating. Verb tenses cannot be
differentiated orally when a conversation
takes place both in the present and in the
past. The lack of complementary materials
for the development of topics in English is
another obstacle that limits the teaching of
the foreign language. Many of the books in
English that the institutions have within their
reach are not complemented with didactic
REVISTA UNESUM-Ciencias Volumen 7, Número 3, 2023
materials that can effectively reinforce the
teaching of learning (Vásquez Aguiar & Toa-
la Angulo, 2022), so this research aims to
establish the importance of songs to impro-
ve oral communication, in such a way that
so that the songs put into practice in the
classroom create a pleasant environment
that reduces anxiety and the affective filter.
Literature Review
Didactic music
The methodology is carried out when a per-
son needs to develop the senses such as:
auditory, intellectual, sensory, speech and
mainly the child's motor sense, although this
can be done at any age. The characteristics
of didactic music must be appropriate and
simple so that these senses can be activa-
ted in a pleasant way.
The music has its origin in Latin music that
derives from the Greek term mousike and
that in ancient times was a reference to wors-
hip, controlled by high civil and religious au-
thorities. It is formed by a system of sounds,
melodies and rhythms, being pleasant to
the ear. Some theories affirm that it was born
more than 50,000 years ago, and its origin
derives from the imitation of the sounds of
nature. However, it is also said that music
is born with the human being due to the
sounds emitted by the heart, considered a
cultural representation. (Romanelli, 2020).
Educational music offers a series of benefits
to children and adolescents, generating a
variety of feelings, in which they are taught
to have self-esteem and recognize their per-
sonality. Some of the benefits are as follows:
Allows children to develop their musical
Promotes artistic expression.
It will allow to participate, organize and
synchronize the movements.
Singing with an instrument helps stimu-
late touch
Develops imagination and creative abi-
Strengthens memory
Helps in the treatment of language pro-
Helps externalize emotions.
It facilitates social relationships and is a
cultural reference (Kreutz & Nater, 2021).
Currently, the teacher is the one who creates
pedagogical training, focusing on the area
of language and literature, paying special
attention to musical dictations. These could
have good results in spelling, writing, impro-
ving memory and hearing of the child. The
teacher will guide and evaluate the results
obtained. The child's education can reflect
his future personality, which mainly comes
from the family and the characteristics of di-
dactic music to achieve a better intellectual
society (Aguayo et al., 2021). Educational
music is easy to understand and memorize,
it has simple, repetitive and rhythmic lyrics,
which are generally accompanied by move-
ments, gestures or motor games. It is con-
sidered a pleasant music because children
play and, at the same time, participate in
cultural activities (Zainuddin y otros, 2019).
The songs
Music education involves verbal language,
body language and graphic or plastic lan-
guage. The integration of music in the tea-
ching-learning process has the following
It stimulates training in values such as
mutual respect, diversity of opinions and
criteria, discipline, socialization, develo-
pment of self-image and self-esteem.
Respect for the rules that are establi-
Moncada Cevallos, C. M., & Chancay Cedeño, C.
REVISTA UNESUM-Ciencias Volumen 7, Número 3, 2023
Motivation towards responsibility and
decision-making with freedom.
It values the work of the student popu-
lation as a whole and at the same time
individually, which allows teamwork to be
implemented and leadership to be pro-
moted (de Freitas Martins y otros, 2018).
The collaboration of a specialist in the
area of music would facilitate a coordina-
ted approach to the set of learning and
be able to use music in learning the lan-
guage and, in this case, English, to learn
other musical content, as well as carry
out the following Appreciations about the
songs and their didactic use:
Singing is an instrument of exchange,
favors socialization and is also a signifi-
cant content in school.
The words are internalized and incor-
porated when singing, especially when
creating songs.
The value of words is enriched or incor-
porated internally when accompanied
by music. The process of this integration
causes words and music to flow conti-
nuously from expression to communica-
Music, as a didactic strategy for teaching a
second language, can emphasize that this
process is basic, where it is necessary to
arouse the pleasure of listening, become fa-
miliar with and recognize the basic charac-
teristics of sound in terms of height, duration,
intensity and timbre. of the door. Continuing
with this line of argument, the following be-
nefits of the use of music, in general, and
songs, in particular, in second language
teaching classes are listed.
Introduce new words, expanding the
grammatical structure.
Sing popular songs from the culture of
the language.
Learn about the history of a country
through its music and performances
such as dances, auditions, authors.
Facilitate phonetic intonation of speech.
Use sound structures previously used in
music class.
Investigate the sound to apply it to a pro-
posed grammatical structure.
Enrich vocabulary.
Carry out motivating experiences (Muji-
ca Medina, 2019).
It can be considered that the songs are an
indisputable tool to develop listening and
expression skills, which by joining them to
the most frequent words or expressions of
the English language can make students
more familiar with the language, thus facili-
tating its teaching-learning.
Oral communication
Humans, unlike other animals, can express
ourselves through words. Today's socie-
ty demands a high command of both oral
and written communication. All those peo-
ple who cannot express themselves clearly
and coherently, with minimal correction, are
lowering their professional and relationship
expectations. Oral communication must
consist of the emission of information or
message through a communicator or sen-
der and a reaction or response to the mes-
sage or information received by the commu-
nicator or receiver.
To ensure that the communication is easily
understood by the interlocutors, some prin-
ciples must be taken into account, such as:
Definition: Briefly indicate the reason for
the exhibition before beginning, what is
to be achieved with it, the reasons that
lead us to intervene, etc.
Structure: It must be ensured at all times
that the message to be broadcast is well or-
dered by stages and in a coherent manner.
REVISTA UNESUM-Ciencias Volumen 7, Número 3, 2023
Emphasis: Here it is about praising those
words or phrases that reinforce the pre-
sentation, applying strategies such as
raising the tone of voice a little more or
making small pauses.
Repetition: It is convenient to deepen
and repeat all those words and phrases
that help capture the attention of the in-
terlocutor and thus enable a better un-
derstanding of the message.
Simplicity: try to expose the ideas in the
clearest and most direct way, using the
most accessible vocabulary for the inter-
locutor (Javed, 2022).
In addition to the aforementioned princi-
ples , care should be taken at all times
that the message has the following cha-
Clarity: Avoid confusing words, technical
expressions, etc., and use short para-
graphs and sentences.
Brevity: It is important to stay on topic.
Courtesy: You have to greet and intro-
duce yourself before you start speaking,
maintain a positive attitude during the in-
troduction, etc.
Closeness. Expressions must be used
in the first person and avoid impersonal
treatment of the recipient.
Oral communications can be classified
according to the number of participants:
Singular: One or more receivers do not
have the immediate possibility of respon-
ding and, therefore, of playing the role of
emitter, as in political speeches, keynote
presentations or recorded songs.
Dual: Two interlocutors can alternatively
adopt the roles of sender and receiver.
Telephone calls, interviews and dialo-
gues between friends are of this type.
Plurals: Three or more interlocutors can
alternatively adopt the roles of sender
and receiver. This type of oral communi-
cation occurs in situations such as a nei-
ghborhood meeting, a class debate or
a conversation between several friends
(Harappa, 2020).
Dialogue, in its different variants such as a
conversation, a debate or a round table, is
the basic oral communication between two
or more people. For dialogue to occur, these
five conditions are required:
The presence of two or more interlocu-
An alternation in replicas.
An exchange of information.
A specific linguistic form or common lan-
guage for both interlocutors.
Cohesion and coherence in the exhibi-
For the dialogue to be effective, both inter-
locutors must try to maintain the attitudes
listed below:
The speech or exposition consists of the or-
dered exposition by a speaker of the ideas,
thoughts or knowledge on a certain subject
to try to inform or convince another person,
as well as to question other beliefs on the
exposed subject. Before any oral presenta-
tion before any other person or public, it is
necessary to prepare a script or outline that
contains the central ideas of our speech. To
do this, some guidelines must be followed:
Establish, with accuracy and precision,
the central idea of the message through
a brief introduction to the topic.
Use a pleasant, concise and direct lan-
guage that should not be difficult to un-
derstand and with which it will be possi-
Moncada Cevallos, C. M., & Chancay Cedeño, C.
REVISTA UNESUM-Ciencias Volumen 7, Número 3, 2023
ble to capture the attention of the public.
Reinforce the central idea with few es-
sential points.
Pay special attention to quotes, anecdo-
tes, statistics, etc., as they help make the
presentation more enjoyable, attractive
and intelligible.
In the exhibition, and as part of the argu-
ment, the following behaviors should be
Disqualify otherwise.
Be automatic.
generalize without distinction.
Ask a multitude of questions that are di-
fficult for the interlocutors to answer.
Use false assumptions (Goman, 2019).
Vocabulary acquisition
Learning vocabulary is one of the basic ele-
ments to be able to develop communication.
Generally, expressions such as basic voca-
bulary, specific vocabulary, vocabulary rich-
ness and vocabulary poverty are often used
to refer to the degree of linguistic proficien-
cy of a person. Vocabulary mastery consists
of both the knowledge of words and the
concepts to which they refer, as well as the
various strategies for using them effectively
and appropriately. Knowing a word implies:
Pronunciation and spelling
Know the sounds and phonemes that
form it.
Know how to orally recognize and be
able to pronounce words.
Know your letters.
Know how to decipher it and write it.
Know and correctly use all its forms
Know its composition (suffixes, prefixes,
compound words, etc.).
Know other words formally related to it.
Know how to use it in a context.
Know the category, verbal regimens,
etc. and the rules that regulate its syn-
tactic use.
Know its semantic value.
Know its semantic value according to
the linguistic context.
Recognize its denotative meaning and
its connotative value.
Relate the word with a concept associa-
ted with a real element.
Semantically relate the word with other
lexical units.
Use the word as part of a text in relation
to a context.
Use the word to achieve a specific pur-
Know your dialect and record the value.
Use it appropriately to the communicati-
ve situation.
Pronunciation and spelling, morphology,
syntax and semantics make up linguistic
competence and pragmatics and sociolin-
guistics the communicative intention (Pé-
rez & Alvira, 2017). Generally, when talking
about vocabulary, reference is made to:
REVISTA UNESUM-Ciencias Volumen 7, Número 3, 2023
General vocabulary
It is made up of the entire repertoire of
words that can be considered in common
use to function in human relationships and
in everyday life.
Specic vocabulary
It includes those words that can be said to
have a more restricted use in the different
socio-professional fields, although not all of
them are technical terms.
Active vocabulary
It is that set of words that the user habitually
uses in daily communication.
Passive Vocabulary
The one, a user can understand even if he
does not actively use it. The passive voca-
bulary is greater than the active vocabulary.
Among the consequences that it has in the
teaching of vocabulary will be that we not
only have to increase the student's vocabu-
lary, but we also have to work so that the
new acquisitions are incorporated into the
active vocabulary. Memorizing vocabulary is
important but insufficient if the student does
not actively internalize the vocabulary. The
acquisition and development of vocabulary
has to do with the knowledge or discovery of
new frames of reference, as students get to
know other subjects, disciplines and other
realities, they have to associate the ways of
naming the different frames of fact. (Nord-
quist, 2019).
If the referents of other worlds are not enri-
ched, words are unnecessary. The acquisi-
tion and development of vocabulary is a pri-
mary activity that the language teacher and
the listening comprehension and language
teacher should have, although this respon-
sibility is not exclusive, the other teachers
have to add their specific vocabulary accor-
ding to each of the fields of knowledge . It
is not an area goal but also a stage goal. To
work on the lexicon and increase vocabu-
lary, there are two main procedures:
Immersion: What it does is create a situation
where when a new term appears in a text,
the text contains data so that the student
can deduce the meaning from there.
Learning: Conscious learning involves a
whole variety of situations in which, through
very diverse procedures, words are worked
on both orally and in writing. The task of the
teacher is hyperonymy and hyponymy, al-
though the students do not know it.
There are words that are hyperonyms or
hyponyms and they are spoken of when the-
re is a hierarchical organization. Teachers
should stimulate hyperonymy or hyponymy
in students, initially children use hyperon-
yms, which is the time to introduce hypon-
yms. As new realities appear, hyponyms
must be intensified in order to more accu-
rately name the reality. It is important for the
teacher to be aware of what vocabulary to
teach, there is a standard vocabulary, but
properly contextualizing the learning of vo-
cabulary is important since there are not the
same expressive needs in a rural environ-
ment as in an urban environment.
Specifically, primary school students have
to use the dictionary as a regular resource
in their work. Motivation in students is very
important so that there is a positive predis-
position towards words. When the dictionary
is incorporated, it must be dosed, if not, tea-
chers can become very rigorous with the
use of the dictionary, it can lead to its abuse
and the difficulty that it means for students to
constantly consult it, can turn against what
we want to achieve. You have to alternate
that the teacher is a dictionary aloud and the
use of this. It is difficult for students to beco-
me fond of reading if they must constantly
search for words, it is necessary to develop
other types of micro-skills for reading. The
use of the dictionary is necessary, useful
Moncada Cevallos, C. M., & Chancay Cedeño, C.
REVISTA UNESUM-Ciencias Volumen 7, Número 3, 2023
and positive, but not its abuse, integrating
other tools that ensure the adequate lear-
ning of the new vocabulary, especially when
it comes to another language (Viera, 2016).
The population under study will be made up
of all the students enrolled in this school in
the 2019-2020 academic year.
From which a probabilistic sample will be
drawn based on the inclusion criteria propo-
sed by the researcher, these are "first-year
high school students from the Galo Plaza Laso
school" the estimated number is 50 students.
The questions that were asked in the survey
are based on our previously stated research
objectives and were measured through the
Linkert scale, these questions were evalua-
ted through the Cronbach Alpha test, which
gave a 0.8 on its scale, which gives us indi-
cates that the questions are relevant to our
From those interviewed, 64% are men and 36% are women within the Fiscal Educational
Unit ""Galo Plaza Lasso"" of Jipijapa - Manabí.
85.80% are 15 years old, 10.70% are over 15 years old and 3.50% are under 15 years old.
REVISTA UNESUM-Ciencias Volumen 7, Número 3, 2023
78.6% of the students interviewed, when a
new word is mentioned during a song, pre-
fer to stop and look for the letter of the word,
64.30% of the students surveyed listen to music in English on a regular basis, while 28%
listen to it rarely and finally 7.70% listen to it often.
while 17.80% choose to continue listening
to the song and 3.6% resort to dictionary to
look up this new word.
Moncada Cevallos, C. M., & Chancay Cedeño, C.
REVISTA UNESUM-Ciencias Volumen 7, Número 3, 2023
The aspect most considered by the inter-
viewees for learning English is vocabulary
with 54%, followed by verbal communica-
The other aspect considered important to
learn English by the participants is verbal
communication with 54%, followed by voca-
bulary with 30%, grammar remains with 16%
compared to the previous question and the
literature review did not obtain any opinion.
tion with 30%, grammar with 16% and finally
for none of the respondents is the literature
In question 7, this search finds the statistical
distribution of the data, so it is described in
a bar chart. Therefore, know in advance the
most informed level about the level of satis-
faction. the next figure describes the grou-
ped level.
REVISTA UNESUM-Ciencias Volumen 7, Número 3, 2023
From the range of 1 to 5. Where 1 is the
lowest score, 3 is neutral and 5 is the highest
level. In this document we can describe that
students recommend the use of music-ba-
sed learning since it allows to know mainly:
vocabulary and oral expression for langua-
ge management. Additionally, it is identified
that students require motivation to learn mu-
sic, which is why they seek to read the lyrics
of the songs to better pronounce the words
and know what the song wants to mention.
People are currently incorporating songs
as part of the educational process, in which
they can improve oral expression in a sim-
ple way by looking for the meaning of tho-
se words that are not understood during a
song, but have not been considered rele-
vant enough to be a song. tool used in the
classroom. Similar to this discovery is the
study by Castro (2021), where the use of
songs improves oral comprehension skills
in students, since listening to the song's
lyrics, humming and intoning, creates a
favorable climate for learning a second.
language fluently. Condori's research can
also be highlighted (2017), who conside-
red that the fundamental means of human
communication is oral language, voice and
speech, which allows the child to express
and understand ideas, thoughts, feelings,
knowledge and activities. Spoken language
occurs as a result of a process of imitation
and maturation through the wealth of stimuli
that exists in the environment. For all these
reasons, the main objective of this work is to
identify the influence of music on vocabu-
lary learning in the English language, rea-
ching the following conclusions: music as
a strategy can become a real strength and
therefore raise the quality of learning. Engli-
sh language learning. The students sing
with their teachers with joy and enthusiasm,
responding positively to music as a learning
strategy, acquiring vocabulary through mu-
sic since the lyrics of the songs make them
repeat words unconsciously or naturally, that
is, they show clarity in their oral expression,
since music and its melody is a stimulus for
learning the English language.
The analyzed technique is a methodology
through which the student is empowered
to concentrate on the songs and thereby
internalize both the new vocabulary and
the form of expression of the grammar and
arrangements of the English language. an
empathic and learning dynamic. Also, this is
a new tool to enhance vocabulary and give
way to good communication that allows you
to interpret, correctly articulate the phone-
mes corresponding to the different stages of
learning the English language, where lear-
ning can become an entertaining moment
through of the use of music, allowing the
Moncada Cevallos, C. M., & Chancay Cedeño, C.
REVISTA UNESUM-Ciencias Volumen 7, Número 3, 2023
de Freitas Martins, DA, Joly, IZ, and Junior, LG
(2018). Humanizing music education: contribu-
tions of dialogic pedagogy. American-Chinese
Journal of Education, 8 (7), 305-311.
Goman, IV (2019). Development of dialogue skills in
a foreign language in the comparison of oil re-
ferences. In Journal of Physics: Lecture Series.
IOP Publication, 1384 (1).
Harappa. (December 25, 2020). Harappa . https://
Javed, A. (July 24, 2022). Englopedia . https://englo-
Kreutz, G. and Nater, U. (2021). The health benefits
of engaging with music. Routledge International
Handbook of Music Psychology in Education
and the Community , 68-79.
Mújica Medina, general practitioner (2019). Didactic
proposal based on the use of songs to impro-
ve the level of vocabulary in primary school stu-
dents of the "Language Center" of the National
University of Cajamarca-2017. PEDRO RUIZ GA-
nual National Conference of the English Scholars
Association of Nigeria (ESAN).
Nordquist, R. (July 29, 2019). ThoughtCo . https://
Pérez, LM and Alvira, R. (2017). Vocabulary acquisi-
tion through three memory strategies. Colombian
Journal of Applied Linguistics, 19 (1), 103-116.
Romanelli, G. (2020). Didactic materials for Musical
Education: A Brazilian panorama and some cha-
llenges. In Music education and teaching mate-
rials. Stellae Research Group , 37-44.
Toro, V., Camacho-Minuche, G., Pinza-Tapia, E., &
Paredes, F. (2019). The Use of the Communica-
tive Language Teaching Approach to Improve
Students' Oral Skills. English Language Tea-
ching, 12 (1), 110-119.
Vasquez Aguiar, H.E., & Toala Angulo, M.A. (2022).
Influence of phonetics to improve pronunciation
in English. Guayaquil University.
infant to learn in a participatory and above
all fun way. Similar to the findings of Aquino
& González (2022), where it was possible
to determine that musical intelligence fa-
vorably influences the development of oral
language in children between 4 and 5 years
of age, since the frequent use of children's
songs allows the child to improve their arti-
culation, fluency, continuity and pronuncia-
tion of speech, so that they can express their
current state of mind, feelings, emotions, in
an appropriate way. On the other hand, it
enriches their vocabulary to generate new
knowledge of their environment.
The problem of both the pronunciation and
the vocabulary of the students is described
as one of the reasons why new strategies
are needed, or even the development of
pre-established teaching-learning strate-
gies such as didactic music. With respect
to the application of the songs during the
learning in the English language, students
can be favored, since through the songs
they allow benefits in the improvement of
the language of the infants in a positive way,
acquiring the opportunity to develop in an
outstanding way. In the cognitive, family and
social spheres, the songs also helped the
little ones to expand their creativity, fantasy,
vocabulary, expressiveness and fluency.
Result that can be highlighted with the study
by Santos and Maceda, (2019)which con-
cludes that singing from an early age gene-
rates stimulation in maturational processes,
the more they sing in games and activities,
the more skills they will develop, including
oral expression.
Abdullaev, Z.K. (2021). Learning a second language:
Problems and implications. Asian Journal of Mul-
tidimensional Research, 10 (4), 824-827.
Aguayo, P. Y. M., Cornelio, O. M., Macías, V. M. G.,
Párraga, C. M. C., & Loor, L. V. V. (2021). Estrate-
gia didáctica para el desarrollo de la motivación
de los estudiantes en la asignatura Inglés. UNE-
SUM-Ciencias. Revista Científica Multidisciplina-
ria. ISSN 2602-8166, 5(1), 75-88.
REVISTA UNESUM-Ciencias Volumen 7, Número 3, 2023
Cómo citar: Moncada Cevallos, C. M., & Chancay Ce-
deño, C. (2023). Canciones para mejorar la comuni-
cación oral mediante la adquisición de vocabulario.
UNESUM-Ciencias. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria.
ISSN 2602-8166, 7(1), 23-36.
Viera, R. T. (2016). The importance of vocabulary
knowledge in the production of written texts: a
case study on EFL language learners. Technical
university of Cotopaxi.
Zainuddin, Z., Habiburrahim, H., Muluk, S., and Keu-
mala, CM (2019). How do students become
self-directed learners in EFL's flipped classroom
pedagogy? A study in higher education. Indone-
sian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8 (3), 678-
Moncada Cevallos, C. M., & Chancay Cedeño, C.